Dr. Renu Munjal is a Principal Scientist (Plant Physiology) at Wheat & Barley Section CCSHAU, Hisar and coordinating wheat physiology experiments under “All India Coordinated Wheat Improvement Programme” for 23 years and currently also completed the tenure of Prof. & Head , Department of Botany & Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences, CCS HAU, Hisar. She got the experience of Cloning of SOS gene in Cotton while working at NRCPB, IARI, New Delhi as DBT National Associatship Fellow. She contributed in the development of seven bread wheat varieties and four durum wheat varieties as Physiologist. She has more than 60 publications, including research articles in national and international journals, scientific proceedings, book chapters etc. Associated with evaluation of thousands of wheat lines for drought and heat tolerance under confined field and controlled environment. Involved in teaching PG courses.
Contribution in devloping following lines:
Bread wheat: WH 1021, WH 1025, WH 1080 & WH 1105, WH 1124, WH 1142 & WH 1270
Durum wheat: WH 896, WH 912, WHD 943 and WHD 948
Projects (PI or CoPI):
“Combining rust resistance with non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in wheat to achieve food security” (in collaboration with The University of Sydney, Australia)
”Scaling breeding and agronomic management for increasing wheat productivity and adaptation to climate change causing rising temperatures and water scarcity in South Asia ”
“Enhancement of wheat productivity under changing climatic conditions in Haryana”
Research Gaps, interactive goals and outcomes (Reynolds et al. (2021).: Harnessing translational research in wheat for climate resilience)
Institution: CCS Haryana Agricultural University; India