
12.02.2025 - online

5th Annual Workshop of AHEAD

Network members stay tuned: This workshop should update all members on the activities of “old” and “new” network members, create awarenes of each others expertise and enhance discussion about heat and drought research on wheat with opinions and views from various different countries.

Videos and presentations can be found here after the event.

21.09.2024 - Perth (AUSTRALIA)


Together with the Expert Working group AWAS and NUE from the Wheat Initiative AHEAD organizes a joint meeting next to the IWC in Perth. Join and discuss with us about the effect of abiotic stresses on wheat and how an internatioal network could support solutions.

More information about this event can be found here.

13. - 15.11.2023 - Rabat (Morocco)

4th Annual Workshop of AHEAD

The next AHEAD workshop will be the first in person workshop since the foundation of our alliance. The event will be hosted by INRA Morocco and will take place at it’s headquarter in Rabat. The following main topics will be discussed:

  • Climate resilient agriculture

  • Development and sharing of resilient germplasm

  • Career option in heat and drought research

09. + 10.03.2022 - ONLINE

“Moving AHEAD” - 3rd AHEAD Workshop

At the the last two workshops clear wishes and expectations were defined how the network should work together and how wheat heat and drought research should benefit from it. Now we want to lift the AHEAD network to the next level: The cumulative knowledge of the different AHEAD members and national represenatives should be used to define a clear scientific roadmap which should be followed for the next years.

09. + 10. March 2021 - ONLINE

2nd Workshop on Heat and Drought research

Why is it reasonable to join AHEAD? And how should the network work together? These questions were discussed by AHEAD members and national representatives in order to shape the AHEAD network. Find out more in our press release!

24. February 2021 - ONLINE

1ST Workshop on Heat and Drought Research

How is heat and drought research represented gloablly? Which aspects drive the research of the AHEAD members? Seven presenatations from seven countries gave impressive insigt into the work of wheat researchers worldwide. Learn more by watching the recorded presentations!