DElivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW)
DSW is a co-ordinated and collaborative initiative, funded by BBSRC, to address critical challenges in achieving genetic progress for wheat. This includes: nutritional value, yield, and sustainable production in order to safeguard the future of this vital crop. It builds upon work carried out in DFW and WISP, which were focused on germplasm resources from genebanks to gene discovery. Through the work carried out in these projects, much has been achieved in this area meaning that in DSW we focus on using these resources to deliver new understanding of trait biology and delivery of traits for public good. DSW is investigating a variety of traits relevant to AHEAD, including those involved in ambient temperature sensitivity, root and shoot development, crop height, inflorescence and grain development, root response to nutrient availability, use of nitrogen fertiliser and other nutrients, resistance to a range of pathogens and pests and finally the quantity and quality of starch, dietary fibre and minerals in grain. Resources and information generated within the DSW programme are fully accessible and adhere to FAIR data principles. DSW works extremely in close partnership with wheat breeders to run the Breeders Toolkit pre breeding platform. We look forward to collaborating with members of AHEAD!
Funding Organisation: UKI – BBSRC
PROJECT LEADER: simon Griffith
Institution: John Innes Centre; UK