Nariman Ahmad is working at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan of Iraq, a region where many wild wheat species can be found. He currently leads a project of assessing genetic relation for different ploidy levels of Aegilops and wild Triticum species in Kurdistan region. It aims to identify the extend of gene pool for wheat wild relative species and facilitate the introgression of stress tolerance alleles into the domesticated wheat cultivars.  Nariman has a high interest in analyzing these wheat species focusing on plant growth promoting bacteria from endophyte and Rhizosphere of wheat wild relatives to improve the performance of domestic wheat species in Kurdistan region.


  1. Ahmad et al. (2017)  Early Screening of Some Kurdistan Wheat Triticum aestivum L. Cultivars under Drought Stress.

  2. Ali et al. (2018) Performance of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties under Rainfed Condition of Sulaimani

  3. Ahmad et al. (2020) Response of European bread wheat to different vernalization treatments under the environmental conditions of Kurdistan, Iraq

  4. Ahmad et al (2023) Assessment of genetic relation for Aegilops and Triticum possessing different

    genome-bearing species using start codon targeted marker

Sites of collection for accessions of Aegilops and wild wheat (Triticum spp.) in Kurdistan region, Iraq

Some of collected accessions from Aegilops and wild wheat in Kurdistan of Iraq


Institution: University of Sulaimani; Iraq